Mission Statement

This blog is to be an educational tool as well as a source of info on the Pa elk, their habitat, and the hunt. It's was also necessary for clearing up alot of uninformed views about the elk hunt and the management plan for the elk herd itself. Negative thoughts are little to worry about but when they become comments and are shouted from the roof tops by people that have a clouded view of something and very little understanding of it, it is not only your right but your duty to correct what is wrong and be a voice for science, fact, and truth.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The elk hunt: Creating a healthier herd and thus bigger bulls.

Opponents of the PA elk hunt have stated the adverse effects that the recent elk hunts have had on the herd and in paticular the number of "monster bulls" that are present for tourist's easy viewing pleasure. It has been stated that if the hunt is to go on unchanged we will hurt the herd and that not only will there be less but there will be no more mature bulls to view. This will then cause a halt to the tourist business in and around the Winslow Hill area. If this were true than a look at the bulls harvested from the first year of the hunt to the most recent hunt would show a decline in the size of the bulls taken. In fact if you have a animal that had not been hunted for seventy years, the first few years of the hunt there should have been bulls of grandiose proportions to go around to all hunters. Let's face it with no hunting the elk would have been dying off of old age and reaching the peak of their size.Over the next few posts I will comprise a grouping of bulls from the most recent years and heading back to the first year of the hunt. Even with stacking the odds in favor of the early years of the hunt (the no hunting for seventy-years), I doubt these people are right. If they are than we will see that the bulls taken in the early years of the hunt are larger on average than those taken now. This would be concrete proof that there are fewer large bulls now than there were in the past.

I already know the answer to this part of the debate, follow along and I will show you the real story of the PA elk hunt.
2009 Hunt (Here are twelve to start with, more to follow)









(Willard Hill photo, from PA Wildlife

Photographer Blog) 340"


(Photo from Support

PA Elk Blog)



Thank You, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year


Monday, December 28, 2009

Elk County Outfitters: The Guys

These are some of the faces that you can see around Camp Nick both during the elk hunts and the regular hunting seasons. They are resposible for some of the best times I've ever had. Without them hunting seasons wouldn't be the same and the elk hunt would not be possible.
Thank you guys for letting me do this with you.

Jack Manack Sr.
Keith Manack
Tim Lennox
Jason Stecko
Tim Harvey
John Provident III
Bob Huff
Brady Schrecengost
Carey Bollman
Gary Couteret

Harry Smith

Eric McCarthy

Jarad McCarthy

Greg Monk

Ernie Earley

Denny Henry
Al Thoms
Donnie Smail

Dick Hribar
Tim Lennox Jr.

John Provident IV

Brad Lennox

Sunday, December 13, 2009

For my first blog I would just like to welcome anyone that shares my interest, not necessarily my opinion, on the items listed in the descriptions of myself and my blog. After following along with several blogs concerning the Pa elk hunt I felt it was important to express the thoughts and facts behind a pro-elk hunt persons feelings. Though I'm sure it is not done intentionally alot of the statements made from the people that have a problem with the elk hunt are unsubstantiated and made out of anger or fear instead of fact. Hopefully the same passion that you have for the elk will allow you to open your mind to another point of view and let this blog educate you to the point that you have more of the facts than you do now. Maybe then you will be able to make a more enlightened opinion concerning the elk, their habitat, and the benefits that the hunt does for both.
