My grandpap on my father's side of the family rode the train from Jacobs Creek ,PA north to the mountains of Elk County and more specifically Dents Run. He as with all the guys that used to do that, really had to love heading to the mountains for their annual deer hunt. In these early years once they reached thier destination local people would take hunters in to stay in their attics, spare rooms, etc. At this time (1930s and 40s) in the country most people were not financially in a good position.For these people to embark on this trip could only mean that it was something they held very near and dear to their heart and was maybe that one thing a year that these people looked forward to. Years later my father, his brother and his nephews all got their start hunting the mountains of north central PA. They had, by that time, started driving themselves to "deer camp" which now was the DuBois Manor Motel. The motel, which is still in operation, served as camp all the way up until 1989. Below are some of the earlist pictures I have of their trips.

Grandpap Nick on Right.
In the picture below all they guys are waiting at the vehicles to head home and grandpap is walking out of the woods. This ended up being his last trip to Elk County and Dents Run.

In the next post I'll show you the construction of Camp Nick, which we built in 1993 and have hunted out of till present day.
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